

AUGUST 13 to SEPTEMBER 2, 2016

This exhibition was organized in partnership with SPARKBOX STUDIO. 
ARTISTS: Kyle Topping and Chrissy Poitras from Spark Box, and Peter Mennacher from BLIZZMAX. Also showing are Michael Ciesieslski, Phoebe Cohoe, Rebecca Cowan, Josh Dannin, Genna Kutsch, Pam Loebb, Jeff Macklin, Otis Tamasauskas, Larry Thompson, Jessica Veevers, Terry Veevers and Jan Winton.
A bookplate is a decorative little label usually plastered on the inside front cover of a book, that are emblazoned with “ex libris“( Latin for “from the library of”) and then some persons name.  They were a big thing not too long ago.
Bookplates were used primarily by well-to-do folks who had the money to afford large personal libraries. Books were valuable possessions and the bookplate was simply a way for book owners to identify their books and perhaps encourage their return when they were lent out to friends and family. The first bookplates were used in Germany in the 16th century by Christian monks, and the practice spread among European gentry. The custom came to America in the 1600s.Bookplates were widely used throughout the 19th century by both Europeans and Americans, but the practice began to fade by the 1950s.
The designs on bookplates were highly personalized in order to clearly identify a book’s owner, using common motifs including family crests and badges as well as Latin or Greek mottoes. In the early part of the 20th century you begin to see more personalized bookplate designs that move beyond family heraldry.
Bookplate collecting is a surprisingly robust hobby filled with passionate enthusiasts. Consequently, you can find thousands of bookplate examples online, with a rich variety of designs. And many contemporary print artist create ex Libris stamps for those collectors.



The 2016 Ex Libris from Blizzmax was shown at Artspace in Peterborough, ON from February 21 to March 4, 2017.

378 Aylmer Street North

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